Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Of Magic computer games and general goofiness.

A few commenters talked about how they hadn't seen Magic in years so I thought I'd discuss some of the recent changes to the game, just in case anyone's interested. In many ways Magic began it's current cycle with the launch of Lorwyn, a set that experimented with block design and more importantly added a whole new card type to the game the 'Planeswalker'. These cards seemed underwhelming to some, and confusing to most but were at the very least interesting. Each one represents a powerful mage not unlike the players themselves and are meant to feel in some small way like a new player has joined the game.

Flash forward a bit and the game changes even more, in addition to smaller set sizes and a new rarity level (Mythic rare with a 1 in every 6 pack insertion) They announced that the core sets would
A. Be yearly
B. Contain brand new cards
It was at this point that the magic community gasped, and many veteran players threw up their arms and harrumphed off.
Yet for every grognard lost two shiny new players were gained thanks to the release of the X-box Live exclusive duels of the planeswalkers, a rather limited teaching tool to any serious player, the budget game still helped hype up the new core set and get tons of people into what at one point seemed an impenetrable hobby.

One of the biggest complaints I've heard from old players is "They changed too much." Which to me seems like it's anathema to the game's core philosophy, Magic isn't a game of static strategy like chess, it's meant to be an ever evolving creature all it's own. Don't like this current set? Wait for the new one. Feel like a single strategy is too good? Wait for rotation. If Magic were just a normal boxed card game it wouldn't be half the fun.
Oh, and for all those purists out there, Richard Garfield himself is on the team for the next block, Innistrad. So, there's that.


  1. I'm not really the one for Card games, but thanks for informing me, very interesting read.

  2. not a huge card game fan either but it was still a good read i thought :)

  3. My dad used to be a local champ a few years ago then gave up, now I got all his old cards.
    :o Fun game!

  4. Never collected these card but I have to admit I'm impressed.

  5. i havent played magic in ages *followed*

  6. Everybody always says things change to much, but change can be good. I've never played Magic, but it does look really cool!

  7. i like your post. i did get into these types of card games. its exhilarating sometimes when you execute the right cards.

  8. haven't played in a few i remember spending so much money at the flea market on these cards..good post

  9. Ah, cards. I tried 'em once, entertaining but not my thing. Still, strangely interesting post. I like your analytical style.

  10. I used to play the hell out of Magic. Seems like card games are dying though :(

  11. Never knew there was so much to Magic.

  12. I never got into magic, you can call me lame but I did pokemon.

  13. I totally did Yu Gi Oh for a while. Do people even play it anymore?

  14. @Magz: Yu Gi Oh actually has a player base, but it's not the kind of people you want to hang out with. Generally unpleasant and sticky. Not to mention, from a game design perspective, it's a wreck.

  15. Havent played magic in so long

  16. I got a card out of a pack last summer called "Emrakule, the Aeons Torn." I promptly realized that with every new story arc, they break the game pretty hard.

    (Emrakule = Protection from all colors, Flying, Annihilate 6(each time he declares an attack, the opponent must discard 6 permanents), after Emrakule is summoned its owner takes another turn. Broken. As. Shit.)

  17. Yeah I agree, I like the fact that the game evolves so no strategy can just own.

  18. I did pokemon too, but I didn't have anyone to play with
